Service flow chart
Photocatalyst spraying

光触媒的主要成分为纳米级二氧化钛的水溶液。二氧化钛本身对人体无毒无害,在喷涂至装饰饰面表面后结合自然光中的紫外线,将建材表面散发的碳-氢-氧结构的挥发性有机物光催化降解为无害的二氧化碳及水,长效分解室内装修中家具及板材油漆引起的甲醛, 苯, 氨, 二甲苯和TVOC。
The main component of photocatalyst is the aqueous solution of nanometer titanium dioxide. Titanium dioxide itself is harmless to human body. When sprayed on the surface of the exterior finishing material, Titanium dioxide, combined with natural light in the ultraviolet, degrades volatile organism photocatalysis with carbon-hydrogen-oxygen structure that building materials give off into harmless carbon dioxide and water, and continuously and effectively decomposes formaldehyde, ammonia, benzene, xylene and TVOC caused by fiberboards and furnitures in interior decaration.